
Why Communication Is Key To Growing Sales Within Your Business

As humans as a species, we are social creatures. Communication is something that is ingrained in our DNA. We communicate with each other each day. Whether it’s in person, over the phone, or even by video call. And as much as communication is important in keeping our relationships going. It’s equally as important to embed communication as part of your small business strategy to grow your sales.

So let’s take a look at communication within your business. Whether it’s with your colleagues, suppliers, current clients or even with potential leads. We are going to look at how you should be communicating with them and how you should be communicating with them. So that by the end of this page you will be able to fully appreciate just how much clear, concise and well-timed communication can help you grow your sales.

Communication Channels

Thanks to advancements in technology communication in small business have stretched beyond the traditional face to face meeting. There are multiple channels through which you should be communicating with your customers. Letting them know what your company is about. What you stand for. What your principles as a business are and any offers that are currently going on.

One of the more recent channels that have become available to small business owners across the UK to communicate with their customers and audience is through social media. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are a great way to get your business noticed, advertise your services/products. You can also run polls to try to stir up some engagement not only between yourself and the customers but between the customers themselves. Paving the way to creating a community based around your business.


Market Research

One of the best ways to grow your sales is to know if your message is hitting the right audience. Or whether your product or service will be in demand. The only way you’re going to know if it is going to hit the ground running or not is through market research. Asking potential consumers and the general public about their feedback. Their communication back to you and their feedback will allow you to build up a bigger picture of who your target market should be or which age demographic is most attracted to your product.

Channels such as social media and through email marketing allow you access to a huge audience at the end of your fingertips. Strategies such as providing free content, a trial of your service or running a poll allow you to capture this feedback straight away and allows you also to have more of an in-depth oversight over the results.

Always Ask For Feedback

Once you have completed a sale that shouldn’t be the end of your communication with that particular customer. Rather than should mark the start of a journey with them. As soon as they have bought the product or service you’re selling. Allow them a few weeks or maybe a couple of months to really make use of it and then follow it up with them.

  • Ask them if they enjoyed your product or service.
  • Ask them how would they rate the product and would they recommend it?
  • Add their email address to your database so you can keep them informed of new products and also inform them of any returning customer offers.

Feedback and positive reviews are also vital in helping yourself secure more sales on that particular product or service. It’s all well and good trying to sell the product or service as much as you can but sometimes potential leads will simply want to hear some feedback from a third party. Someone who doesn’t have their finger in the pie and has tried that product first hand. You may yourself have been hesitant to buy a product until you had read some positive reviews left by previous customers.

communication with customers

Build Yourself A Customer Database

One of the most valuable assets your business can hold is data. And communication channels such as email marketing still appear to be one of the most effective ways of marketing your business digitally and growing your sales. However, before you can send out an email to a list of leads or customers you need contact details to be able to communicate with them.

There are a few different ways of getting information such as email addresses for your campaigns. Firstly you can have lead magnets whereby you provide someone with a free service such as a digital e-book with tips or a trial of your service in return for their email address. During the checkout process for existing customers, an important piece of information to capture is their email address so that you can inform them of future offers and get feedback.

Start Communicating Today

After reading this today if you’ve reflected on this and since realised you need to start communicating with your customers or leads more, what are you waiting for?

  • Start communicating with them today.
  • Build some engagement and rapport with them.
  • You don’t want them to feel like they are just a number on a sales sheet to you.
  • You want to make them feel like they are a valued customer to your business.

Once this rapport is built with them and that relationship is established, that is the key not only to a successful business relationship but you are increasing your chances of securing future and repeat sales.

This is just one of many things that you can action look to start increasing the sales in your small business.

But what else can you do to increase sales in your small business.

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